Tackled (Alpha Ballers #1)

Was that how he thought of me? “The video stuff,” I said, snapping my fingers in Drake’s face till we locked eyes again, “will go up on the website. Of course, you’ll have to keep it safe for work.” I smiled, then added, “But the editors back at the Globe have said they might be willing to forgive a little bit of creative interpretation of that rule, if you know what I mean.”

Drake yawned. I could tell it was mostly for show, but he sold it well. With those looks and that talent, he could have a career in movies if, you know, the whole football thing didn’t work out for him. But I were getting ahead of myself.

And visions of him doing naughty things to me in bed meant I was definitely getting way ahead of myself. I couldn’t even see myself in the rearview mirror, I was so far ahead of myself.

“Are you listening to me?”

“Yeah, yeah, sorry about that, long day.”

“It’s 9am.”

Drake grinned. “I know it is, I’m saying, it’s gonna be a long day.”

“Usually people use that as an excuse after the fact.”

“Well, if there’s one thing you should know about me it’s that I’m a little ahead of the curve.”

“And not afraid to let everyone know that, aren’t you?”

Drake shrugged. “I just never found a good reason to hide who I am, is all.”

“I get that. And that’s what I’m here to capture. That’s what the Globe wants me to report on.”

“Yeah.” Drake’s demeanor had changed a little bit as he considered this. Like he was guarding himself, suddenly, like he didn’t want parts of his personality as on display as they were just a few seconds ago.

“And to do that, I’m going to need to see you every day, got it?”

“I understand. I’ll try and fit it into the schedule. It’s not like I’m just laying by the pool working on my tan while I’m here, you know.” Visions of Drake getting some rays down on that sexy body of his flooded my brain and it took all my strength and force of will to keep it together. “Film study, playbook study, weight room, meetings, and that’s all outside of practice.”

“I know you’re busy, but the team and the Globe have made special plans for this. It’s gonna be tough, but you should be used to that by now.”

“Yeah, alright. We done here?”

Suddenly it felt like I was talking to a brick wall. Drake had been animated and lively, if a little juvenile, just a minute ago, and now he was talking like a veteran who wouldn’t tell anyone from the media anything.

“Yeah, we’re done. But keep in mind, we’re here to see the Drake from a few minutes ago, not this guy. You understand?”

His face darkened. “Yeah. Loud and clear. I gotta go.”

“Great. I’ll see you this afternoon after practice and we can get started. The first couple days will be a little rough, I’m sure, but we’ll get the hang of it.”

“Yeah. I’ll see you around.” Drake turned and walked away, and I had to try my damnedest to look subtly while I marveled at his sexy V-frame from the rear.

The thing that man could do to me…the things I’d let him do to me…Ugh. No. NO. I could not let my stupid libido get in the way. Of course, it was worse considering it had been months since I had had sex, but now was not the time to go and do something reckless.

Not with the guy I worked with. Not with the guy who my career depended on.

That scared me more than anything - I needed Drake Rollins to do well here for my own sake, but I wasn’t even convinced he knew the gravity of the situation for himself. Did he have what it took? Talent-wise, absolutely. There wasn’t a wide receiver in this draft class that could hold a candle to him in on that front.

But inside his head, did Drake have what it took?

I would figure that out soon enough. And so would the Patriots. And both of our careers hung in the balance.


“Wait a second,” I heard Drake’s voice calling out as I was about to turn around and see about my own room. I looked back at him walking toward me.


“I’m gonna need something from you.”

I stiffened, holding my breath. Anything, anything, I wanted to say, but of course, I couldn’t say that. “Yes? What is it?”



“You heard me. You get all this time I don’t have, these interviews and video chats and what-not, and what do I get?”

“You get a shot with the team, Drake. Don’t forget, no one drafted you!”

I knew I shouldn’t have said that as soon as it came out, but I couldn’t take it back, and though Drake looked angry for a split second, he composed himself really well and took it in stride. “I know that,” he rumbled, his voice low and soft. “You don’t have to keep reminding me.”

“Sorry about that, but I was trying to make the point-“

He cut me off with a wave. “I know what you were trying to say.” He raised his voice. “And to any passing Patriots personnel, I deeply and humbly appreciate the chance the team has give me.” No one turned to look at him - for all intents and purposes we might as well have been alone in an empty room. He lowered his voice again. “But I’m still going to need something from you.”

Lucy Snow's books